At Impact Adventure Tours, our mission is to create unforgettable journeys that seamlessly blend exhilarating adventures and joyful experiences with meaningful service and philanthropic opportunities throughout Latin America.

With a strong belief that empowering the poorest of the poor to help themselves is paramount, we are dedicated to providing a hand up rather than a handout.

Guided by Christian principles, we embark on a quest to serve others with unwavering compassion, utmost transparency, and boundless love. By carefully curating our trips, we strive to foster transformative experiences that not only enrich the lives of our travelers but also contribute to the betterment of communities in need. Through our unique approach, we aspire to combine a vacation with a sense of purpose, encouraging individuals to explore the beauty of Latin America while actively engaging in acts of service that make a lasting impact. By uniting adventure-seeking spirits with philanthropic hearts, we create a harmonious blend of excitement, personal growth, and positive change. Join us on this extraordinary journey, where thrilling vacation moments meet opportunities for giving back. Together, let's explore the world, uplift the less fortunate, and make a genuine difference.


  • Impact Adventure Tours is the passion project of Linda Vista Foundation Founder Stuart Gildred.

  • We utilize our extensive travel experience to develop trips throughout Latin America that will undoubtedly change your life.

  • In order to offer the range of itineraries and travel dates possible we keep our schedule flexible.

  • We travel extensively throughout Central and South America, including guided trips to Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, and Ecuador.

  • At Impact Adventure Tours, our mission is to create unforgettable journeys that seamlessly blend exhilarating adventures and joyful experiences with meaningful service and philanthropic opportunities throughout Latin America.

  • Our travel itineraries to Central and South America remain flexible based on the availability of our partner organizations.

Impact Adventure Tours Founder Stuart Gildred with his two sons on an Impact trip to Guatemala.