The Destination Is The Journey

Why We Never Hear, ‘Are We There Yet?’ 

Do you recall the road trips of your childhood? 

Before electronic devices, there were road trips with endless hours of counting clouds, listening to your parent’s music on the radio, and playing the alphabet license plate game. Perhaps you were one of those kids who shouted from the back seat, “ARE WE THERE YET?” We would bet that one or both of your parents said, "Soon, soon. Enjoy the journey." 

The American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson is often credited with the quote, “It’s not the destination, It’s the journey,” which suggests that the journey is just as important—or more so—than arriving at the destination. 

Destination From “Go”

At Impact Adventure Tours, we couldn’t agree more with Mr. Emerson. We are already on an adventure from the moment we come together and begin the journey to our ultimate destination on the map. It starts with the passionate team of people we bring together, who become a band of travelers and conscious humans, motivated to connect and bring positive change to the world. 

This means that from minute one, we are already focused on our mission and project. The communities and individuals we meet are all considered equally important destinations along the way. No moments are lost with this kind of trip since we pride ourselves on immersive travel that fills your heart and mind with cultural awareness and unforgettable experiences. 

Embracing Real Adventure

Real adventure cannot be defined or measured! To have a genuinely adventurous heart means that every step holds the possibility of a surprise or new understanding of the world. Our adventure goes well beyond the typical tourist attractions and the well-worn path. We break free from the crowd and deeply dive into the communities that hold so much tradition and vibrancy and exist beyond the places that get all the attention from tourism. 

Real travel exists beyond the tour guide and map. It is the kind of travel that drops you in from the moment you step off the plane and melds you into the landscape and lifestyle of the people we are there to serve. It is travel that takes you out of your routine, your comfort zone, and your own predisposed notions of the world. 

Transformational Personal Growth

The natural gift of an Impact Adventure Tour is the act of giving more than you receive. But, even still, we find that time and again, while the giving is generous, our travelers come away feeling as though they are the ones who received the natural gift. 

It is an experience beyond words to arrive in a new country and meet new people with the intention of service, only to discover that you are receiving experiences that will impact you for a lifetime. The connection between two strangers from two different countries, coming together for a common purpose, transcends culture and privilege. Magic happens when you leave behind your well-worn identity and meet on a level playing field where ideas and solutions are a shared collaboration. We change lives, which means you come away changed, too. 

We Are Already There

When you reframe the purpose of your vacation into a service-focused adventure, the journey offers opportunities for reflection and self-discovery. Your efforts impact real people, providing a sense of fulfillment, not from the destination but from the personal and communal growth that happens along the way. The journey itself becomes the reward, and you are the one to share the prize. 


What Is Impact?


How to Make an Impact